From Iceland — If Icelanders Could Vote For The Next US President

If Icelanders Could Vote For The Next US President

Published March 23, 2016

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
David Maiolo/Wikimedia Commons

A new poll has revealed who Icelanders would vote for if they had a voice in the upcoming US presidential elections.

RÚV reports that, according to a new poll from Maskína, 53% of respondents said they would vote for Hillary Clinton if they had the right to vote in the American presidential race. 38% said the same of Bernie Sanders.

Republicans were decidedly unpopular amongst Icelanders. The largest support for any GOP candidate went to Donald Trump, who received between 4 and 5% – still a surprising result considering his unpopularity in Iceland. Ted Cruz received 1.5% and Marc Rubio, who has recently dropped out of the race, received 1.2%.

There was a distinct demographic divide between Icelandic Clinton supporters and Sanders supporters. Women, older people, and those with only basic education were more likely to support Clinton, while men, younger people, and university graduates were more likely to side with Sanders.

The US presidential elections will take place on November 8. Who amongst these candidates their respective parties will end up nominating still remains to be seen.

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